CE认证机构-南京睿督 025-8658 3475


欧盟建筑CE认证法规CPR 欧盟建筑法规CPR 欧盟强制建筑法规CPR

自2013年7月1日起,欧盟颁布的建筑产品法规Regulation(EU)No 305/2011(简称CPR)将全面取代原来的建筑产品CE CPD指令,进入强制实施阶段。自2013年7月1日起,欧盟颁布的建筑产品法规Regulation(EU)No 305/2011(简称CPR)将全面取代原来的建筑产品CE CPD指令,进入强制实施阶段。

CE认证-建筑产品法规CPR 建材CE认证法规CPR

自2013年7月1日起,欧盟颁布的建筑产品法规Regulation(EU)No 305/2011(简称CPR)将全面取代原来的建筑产品CE CPD指令,进入强制实施阶段。CPR新法规对进入欧盟市场的建筑产品制造商、贸易商、进口商和分销商等与产品流通相关的环节做了全新的要求,须按照统一的性能评价办法,确保有关建筑产品性能的信息真实可靠,且所有涉及到健康、安全、环保的建筑产品,必须加贴CE标志(CE标签),否则不准进入欧盟市场流通。为了使国内更加顺利的进行欧盟市场,南京睿督公司将会提供建筑产品CE认证专业权威的服务。


EN14313 PEF聚乙烯泡沫产品CE认证 EN14313欧盟CE认证

EN14313 Thermal insulation products for building equipment and industrial installations -Factory made polyethylene foam(PEF)products-Specification.


The EN14313 Standard specifies the requirements for factory made flexible polyethylene foam products which are used for the thermal insulation of building equipment and industrial installations with an operating temperature in the range of approximately -80℃ to +150℃.


EN14309 EPS聚苯乙烯CE认证 EN14309欧盟CE认证

EN14309 Thermal insulation products for building equipment and industrial installations -Factory made expanded polystyrene(EPS)products-Specification.
EN14309 工业装置和建筑设备用热绝缘产品. 工厂制发泡聚苯乙烯(EPS)产品.


The EN14309 Standard specifies the requirements for factory made products of expanded polystyrene which are used for the thermal insulation of building equipment and industrial installations with an operating temperature in the range of approximately -180℃ to +80℃. Modified expanded polystyrene polymers with a higher temperature resistance are also covered by this standard.


EN14307 聚苯乙烯(XPS)产品CE认证 EN14307标准的CE认证

EN14307 Thermal insulation products for building equipment and industrial installations -Factory made extruded polystyrene foam(XPS)products-Specification.

The EN14307 Standard specifies the requirements for factory made extruded polystyrene foam products which are used for the thermal insulation of building equipment and industrial installations with an operating temperature in the range of approximately -180℃ to +75℃。


EN14308 PUR聚氨酯泡沫CE认证 PIR聚异氰脲酸酯CE认证

EN14308:2009 Thermal insulation products for building equipment and industrial installations - Factory made rigid polyurethane foam (PUR) and polyisocyanurate foam (PIR) products - Specification
EN14308:2009 建筑设备和工业装置的隔热保温产品. 硬质聚氨酯泡沫及聚异氰脲酸酯产品.


EN12467 纤维水泥板CE认证 EN12467建筑用水泥平板CE认证

EN12467:2004 +A1:2005/+A2:2006 Fibre-cement flat sheets-product specification and test methods. 纤维水泥平板材,产品规范和试验方法.

The EN12467 document specifies the technical requirement and established methods of inspection and test as well as acceptance conditions for fiber-cement flat sheets, siding shingles and planks(referred to as sheets later in this document) for one or more of the following uses:

XPS聚苯乙烯泡沫产品CE认证 EN14307保温材料CE认证

EN14307:2009 Thermal insulation products for building equipment and industrial installations - Factory made extruded polystyrene foam (XPS) products - Specification中文标准名称:工业装置和建筑设备用热绝缘产品  工厂制挤压聚苯乙烯泡沫产品规范



EN14306欧盟CE认证 硅酸钙板CE认证 EN14306

EN14306:2009 Thermal insulation products for building equipment and industrial and industrial installations-Factory made calcium silicate (CS) products specification. 建筑设备和工业装置用热绝缘产品。工厂制硅酸钙(CS)产品,规范。



