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The Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU) C226 Volume 58 dated 10 July 2015 incudes the citation of EN 16034 and states that it will be a harmonized standard from 1 December 2015.The product standard EN 16034 "Pedestrian doorsets, industrial, commercial, garage doors and openable windows – Fire resistance and/or smoke control characteristics" can be used with effect from 01/11/2016 for the CE mark.
EN 16034 ‘Pedestrian doorsets, industrial, commercial, garage doors and openable windows- Product standard, performance characteristics – Fire resisting and/or smoke control characteristics’ is the product standard which encompasses fire resisting doorsets.
The citation of EN 16034 is the final piece in the jigsaw of the publication of standards that are needed to permit the CE Marking of fire resisting doorsets. It also states that the co-existence period, where CE Marking of doorsets is voluntary, ends on 1 December 2018, which gives three years to get the correct paperwork in place.
The distinction between a doorset and a door assembly is important to note at this time. The following definitions have been agreed upon by the UK Fire Door and Doorset Industry Group, a voluntary group made up of a cross section of operators from the industry, including manufacturers, trade associations, certification bodies, testing laboratories and consultants that discussed aspects of CE Marking fire doorsets.
doorset – frame, finished door leaf or leaves, glazed where required, and their necessary hardware - including where appropriate any threshold strip: transom or side panels - fully machined needing no further site work other than possible re-assembly of factory-prepared component parts, and all placed on the market by one legal entity, for fixing in position in an opening in a wall.
door assembly – frame, door leaf or leaves and their necessary hardware - including where appropriate any threshold strip; transom or side panels - supplied as individual component parts, usually un-machined, and placed on the market by more than one legal entity, for incorporating into an opening in a wall. Door assemblies conform to a tested or assessed specification provided by a door manufacturer and frequently supplied under an independent third party voluntary certification scheme.
The CE Marking of doorsets gives performance ratings against the following essential characteristics including; resistance to fire, smoke control, self-closing (the ability for a door leaf to fully close from any angle), ability to release (an assessment of hold-open devices), the durability of ability to release and the durability of self-closing.
Other characteristics for fire-rated doorsets, such as acoustic performance or thermal performance, will need to be determined by reference to BS EN 14351-1 for external doorsets or pr EN 14351-2 for internal doorsets.
EN16034:2014(防火烟控特性的门窗CE认证标准) http://www.hksmartps.com/ce/windowanddoor/4248.html
EN 16034:2014门窗欧盟CPR法规下CE认证 http://www.hksmartps.com/ce/windowanddoor/4230.html
南京睿督公司为欧盟公告号Notified Body实验室授权合作实验室,已为众多国内企业提供EN 16034:2014门窗法规下CE认证。
南京睿督公司咨询电话:025-8658 3475 400-603-6575